Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Fun House

Fun House by Alison Bechdel is a memoir told in comic book form. The novel takes place in a small town. Her parents once held illusions of grandeur of living abroad among the more cultured but were forced home to take over the family funeral home. Bechdel and her siblings grew up helping out at the family business which they called Fun Home, ironically the funeral home provided more freedom and entertainment than their house. When i picked this book i didn't read the description too well however it was no big surprise that by page 10 we the reader knew that her father was gay and a Martha Stewart way before his time and the protagonist was dealing with her own sexuality. Bechdel uses subtle narrative and graphics to relay this. I appreciate how she intertwines Greek mythology through out the book.

Secrecy, fate, sexuality, family traditions and hope deferred.

The Role of the reader:
She challenges the reader as we delve into her dysfunctional family to look into our own crafted realities. As we reflect on the past were challenge to view events in context of what we really know to be true.

Objective Response:

1 comment:

Craig McKenney said...

This one is too short...I don't really get much from this due to the length. E&E above is a much better model for your work.